5 Mar 1998 CALCUTTA – U-TAPAO (Thailand)

Seventh Leg



1st Part

FROM: Calcutta – TO: Chiang Mai (Thailand)

DATE OF DEP.: 05/03/98 – ATD(z): 06:21 – ATA(z): 11:17

TIME ENR.: 4h 56′ – LENGHT(NM): 641 – AVG.GS: 131 kts- FL: 115

ROUTING: Vecc, Sumag, Chittagong, Lanywa, Mae Hogson, Vtcc.

WEATHER ENR.: Past Sumag (boundary between Myanmar and Bangladesh) thick layers of smoke up to fl 120

WEATHER AT DEST.: Visibility 1500 mt in haze, wind 250°/15 k

PREV.WIND ENR.: 310°/20 k

NOTES: We departed Calcutta’s smog in special VFR after the sadly usual 3 and half hours spent to clear formalities. Lovely weather although misty. Overflew Gange river and later on the Myanmar “totally unlandable” forest, feeling some shivers. On the ground here and there several fires fed what we may call Bangladesh haze. Landed in Chiang Mai at sunset and…

2nd Part

FROM: Chiang Mai – TO: U-Tapao (Thailand)

DATE OF DEP.: 05/03/98 – ATD(z): 13:00 – ATA(z): 16:22

TIME RNR.: 3h 22′ – LENGHT(NM): 386 – AVG.GS: 117 – FL: 75

ROUTING: Vtcc, Bekos, Bangkok, U-Tapao.

WEATHER ENR.: Layers at 080, scattered at 1500 – 2000

WEATHER AT DEST.: Scattered at 1500, visibility 8000, wind 180°/6 k

PREV. WIND ENR.: 250°/15 k

NOTES: Not even 24 hours after we swore “no more night flying” we performed a night take off to U-Tapao. Flight uneventful with a fscinating night view of huge Bangkok. Today 1027 miles (1902 Km) flown in 8h 18′ flight hours!! We both are pretty satisfied as we consider we were in Rome one week ago

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