In this page you can find detailed informations on the aircraft F22 PINGUINO, and a short description of the Sponsors that made the set up of this great enterprise possible.
For support and cooperation in assisting the realization of the flight we would like to thank:
Gen. S.A. Mario Arpino Capo di S.M. Aeronautica ed il Suo Staff
S.E. Dr. Antonino Provenzano Ambasciatore d’Italia in Nuova Zelanda
Cpt. Massimo Marchetti Alitalia Airlines
Cpt. Paolo Camerlengo Alitalia Airlines
Cpt. Piero Spugnini Air and Ground Services
Sig. Vera Costantini Ufficio Sorvoli, Ministero Affari Esteri
Sig. Federico Scaramuzza SRD Director
Col. Franco Russo ITAV
Sig. Rossano Cervini, Designer
Aeroclub Carta Blu, Fiano Romano
Studio Max Camicia
Cpt. Massimo Poggi Alitalia Airlines